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Space Availability - Wake Tech Library Spaces

GROUP STUDY ROOMS (206D, 206E, 206F)

  • The group study rooms are available for groups of 2 or more students only.
  • A group may only use the room for 2 hours a day maximum. Groups CANNOT use multiple names for multiple reservations. 
  • Each reservation has a 10-minute grace period. If your group has not arrived after the first 10 minutes of your reservation have passed, another group may take over your reservation.  
  • Food is NOT permitted in study rooms. Violations to this policy may result in loss of room usage privileges and/or code of conduct violations. 
  • As per the building code and safety guidelines, there is an occupancy limit of 6 PEOPLE per room.
  • Group Study Rooms are for ACADEMIC USE ONLY.  Anyone using the rooms to play games, watch TV, socialize, or sleep will be asked to leave.



  • These rooms are for ONE student only.  
  • A student may use the room for 2 hours a day maximum.
  • Each reservation has a 10-minute grace period. If you have not arrived after the first 10 minutes of your reservation have passed, another student may take over your reservation.
  • Food and Drinks are NOT permitted in study rooms, violations to this policy may result in loss of room usage privileges and/or code of conduct violations.  
  • Group Study Rooms are for ACADEMIC USE ONLY.  Anyone using the rooms to play games, watch TV, socialize, or sleep will be asked to leave.



  1. Click on Go To Date to select the date you want. If making a reservation for the present day, skip to Step 2. 
  2. On the row for the room you want to use, select the starting time slot for your reservation. For example, if you wanted your reservation to start at 1:00 PM, you'd select the green square for 1:00 PM.
  3. Using the drop-down menu below the calendar, adjust the end time for your reservation. You can use a room for 2 hours maximum.
  4. Click Submit Times.
  5. Read the Terms & Conditions and click Continue
  6. Fill out the form to complete the reservation. For group study rooms, ALL student ID numbers must be entered. Reservations without ID numbers will not be approved. 
  7. Click Submit my Booking.
  8. You will be notified by email when your reservation has been approved.
  9. To access the room, present your Wake Tech Student ID card to Library Staff. 

Contact the RTP Library at (919) 866-5762 or rtplibrary@waketech.edu, if you need assistance using the reservation form.

   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable/Padding